Yes! We all want the best for our children. The best education, the best clothes, the best toys. So why deny your child the gift of the Quran? The best advice, from the best advisor who ever lived, the blessed Prophet (peace and blessings upon him) said “The best of you are those who learn the Quran and teach it”. Give your child the opportunity to be the best. Encourage them to memorise the Quran.
Allah has given children an amazing mind. As a child grows, they learn a whole host of skills at an amazing rate. The most impressive of these is the development of language. This involves memorising thousands of words, their meanings and their usage.
By the age of 6 years, a child would have learnt to recognise between 20,000 to 24,000 words! By the age of 12 years that is doubled to 50,000 words. How many unique words do you think there are in the Quran? Approximately 14,000. That is 10,000 words less than what the average child learns by the age of 6 years.
So, can your child memorise the Quran? Yes, they can!
This question goes back to where we see value. As parents, we can see the value of a good career. So not only do we send our children to school for 8 hours a day, but we also pay money and allocate time for extra tuition. Why? Because we are convinced of the expected benefits of a good education.
We need to understand the value of the Quran in order to understand how much time our children (and us!) should be spending with it. The blessed Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) said “The superiority of the Quran over all other knowledge, is like the superiority of Allah (Himself) above all His creation”.
Think about that for a minute. And then think a little more. No creation is as high as Allah. And no knowledge is as valuable as the Quran.
Now ask yourself, how can we justify so little time being allocated to the Quran each day when compared to time spent chasing a career?
A parent makes the genuine intention for their child to memorise the Quran, he prays to Allah for this gift to be given to his child and he makes arrangements for it. This parent will be rewarded as if the child has memorised the full Quran, even if the child does not manage to complete the memorisation of the whole Quran.
And if the child does manage to complete the memorisation, then the parent will be rewarded 10 to 70 times more in reward. Aspiring towards this great gift is something that should be in each and everyone of us.
The blessed Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) said: “Allah has His own people among mankind.” They said, “O Messenger of Allah, who are they?” He said, “They are the people of the Qur’ān, the people of Allah and those who are closest to Him.”
The Quran is a blessing for the body. 2000 years before the first man was brought to life, the Angels prayed as follows:
Blessed is the Ummah upon whom this Quran will be revealed. And blessed will be the tongues that recite it. And blessed will be the cavity that resonate with it.
The scholars have written how memorisation of the Quran strengthens the mind and protects against memory loss in old age. Many of the scholars lived beyond 90 years and their minds and memories were still as sharp as ever.
Abdul Malik ibn Umair said: “The people with the longest lasting minds and memories are those who memorise and recite the Quran”.
We often associate home improvements with a fresh coat of paint or new items for the home. But have we considered how the recitation of the Quran can revamp our home environment?
The Quran comes with blessings for the home. The blessed Prophet (peace and blessing upon him) said: “The Shaytan runs away from the house in which surah Baqarah is read.”
And Abu Hurairah (radiyallah unhu) said: “A house in which the Quran is read, that house will become spacious and accommodating. And there will be love and happiness in it and the Angels will come and stay with you and the Shayateen will leave. And the house in which the Quran is not recited, it will feel cramped and the blessings will leave. And the Angels will stay away and the Shayateen will visit.”
This is a false choice. The choice should not be “should I memorise the Quran or understand it?” The question should be how can I memorise the Quran and understand it. Memorising the Quran is a huge step towards understanding it.
It was narrated that 'Ali bin Abu Talib said: "The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessing upon him) said: "Whoever reads the Quran and memorizes it, Allah will admit him to Paradise and allow him to intercede for ten of his family members who were all deserved to enter the Fire."
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